Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Cow

Yes, we buy a cow for our family for the winter months:) Sounds kinda crazy but I have an aversion to beef that is treated with hormones and that comes from a skeevy slaughter house. So last year I found a grass fed, organic, local farm that sells cows. They raise them in the spring and summer and in the fall you can order them. Then they send the cows to a local butcher and deliver them to your house. We were so happy with the quality of the meat and the price was pretty good for organic, grass fed beef. This is the link to the farm that we found but I am pretty sure if you google it you could find one anywhere.
The health benefits to grass fed beef vs grain fed are dramatic. Click here to read all about it! These are just a few of the benefits of grass fed beef:
  • A natural source of omega 3 fats High in CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)
  • Full of beta carotene
  • Loaded with over 400% more of vitamins A and E
  • Virtually devoid of risk of Mad Cow Disease
Not only is it better for you but I think the taste is so much better, too.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Boosting supply while nursing

Unfortunately, I've never been one of those women who have an abundant supply of milk :( Usually in the first 3 months I have tons of milk, but for some reason my supply starts to drop after 3-4 months. I really don't know why! So after nursing 2 babies (currently still nursing the 2nd at 1 year) I've found many ways to boost my milk supply.

First off, if you are just starting out with a newborn it is so important to see a lactation consultant and make sure baby has a good latch, is not tongue tie etc.
Also, nurse nurse nurse as much as you can to build your supply in the beginning. Do not feed formula while you wait for your milk to come in. Colostrum has everything your baby needs so there is no need to supplement while you wait for your milk. Sleeping with your baby, holding your baby, wearing your baby, looking at your baby... these are all natural ways to boost your supply.

Check out & for great information about breastfeeding.

Here are some ways to boost your supply: They WORK!
-hydrate, hydrate hydrate--- water.. TONS of it. Also many women swear by drinking gatorade

-eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein (65-100gms per day)

-rest & nap with baby


-I've "heard" steak boosts supply, but I never noticed that.

-brewer's yeast - powder or capsules. I prefer the capsules bc the powder tastes like POO!

-lactation cookies (oatmeal cookies- yum!)

-HERBS- fenugreek 3-4 pills taken 3x daily-- You will know if you are taking enough when you smell like maple syrup, blessed thistle - 2-3 pills taken 3x daily (works great if taken along with fenugreek), alfafa, red clover, & marshmallow root

-Mother's Milk Tea, More Milk Tea, Red Raspberry Tea

-pump or nurse more. If baby will not nurse (like my active 6month wouldn't) then add some extra pumping and/or pump immediately after nursing.

-Power pumping- hook-up as you would for a normal pumping session, pump for 10-20 minutes, rest 10 minutes, then pump another 10 minutes, then rest for 10 minutes, then pump again for 10 minutes. The mother does this for about an hour, once per day, to increase supply.

-Domperidone-- by prescription as last resort. I never went this route. Just wasn't into the "drug" thing, but I hear it works!

I may be forgetting some, but using some or all of these methods will CERTAINLY boost your supply.

Happy nursing!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins

Pumpkin season is among us, so I just had to give these muffins a shot!
I used whole wheat flour instead of white and used about 1/2 cup less sugar than called for. They are amazing!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Some "natural" cleaning remedies

We use a lot of Seventh Gen cleaning products (all purpose cleaner, bathroom cleaner, toilet cleaner), but I also like to use some other natural cleaners as well. Thought I'd share what I have found works well.

Stainless steel-
- Olive oil - not good
- Straight Vinegar- not good
- Mixture of baking soda, 7thGen dish soap & water (makes a paste)- Works GREAT on stainless steel and really makes it shine.

Porcelain Sinks
- straight baking soda- Works great

Wood furniture, tables, beds etc
- Olive oil - works great and leaves a nice shine (I have an olive oil sprayer for cooking so I just use that for cleaning too)

Glass & Windows
- 1/2 Vinegar 1/2 water - (the obvious one) - works great

Tile Floors
- 1/2 HOT water & 1/2 vinegar - works great - Mop with this solution and then mop over again with just water. Kind of a pain with the 2nd step but it looks great afterwards

Clogged drain
- 1/2 cup baking soda down drain followed by 1/2 cup vinegar -- I'm actually trying this one today... I'll let you know how it works

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vegetable Popsicles

As most kids are, my 2 year old is obsessed with popsicles. I mean OBSESSED. There are some days that she asks for popsicles 4x a day. My general rule is 1 popsicle a day, but sometimes after 45 minutes of screaming "popalila" I do cave.

It's taken me all summer to finally get popsicle molds. I've been giving her Dreyer's (Edy's) all fruit snack popsicles. They aren't bad... but they aren't fresh either.

All the requests for popalilas got me thinking... I really should add some vegetables to my homemade popsicles.

Since I know she loves green smoothies, I figured spinach was the way to go.

So today I plan on making my veggie fruit popsicles.

I think my recipe will be:
-frozen blueberries
-fresh banana
-little water?

I have no idea how they will turn out, but I'll let you know if she likes them!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pumpkin Raisin Pancakes

Tis the season to eat pumpkin right? I love pumpkin!

I'm gonna give these pancakes a shot this weekend... I'll let you know how they turn out and how the girls like them!

Pumpkin Raisin Pancakes and more presented by The Cook's Cottage and Suites

Pumpkin Raisin Pancakes

1 1/2 cups flour
3 1/2 t. baking powder
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. salt
1 t. nutmeg
1 t. allspice
1 1/4 cups canned pumpkin
3 eggs, beaten
1 cup sugar
2 cups milk
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 t. vanilla
1 cup raisins

Preheat griddle. Into a large bowl, sift flour, baking powder, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg and allspice. Add pumpkin to eggs, beating to blend well. Stir in sugar, milk, oil and vanilla. Add dry ingredients to this mixture, stirring well. Mix in raisins. Ladle batter onto heated and slightly greased griddle. Bake until golden brown on both sides

Friday, September 24, 2010

Plastic to Glass

My fellow blogger did the switch from plastic to glass a while back and I've been wanting to do it also. My tupperware is crappy, mismatched, and old. I reheat a lot of leftovers for the girls and can't reheat in plastic tupperware, so I'm always dirtying an extra plate. So besides the danger of plastic, I think switching to glass will be much easier for us. I'm buying the pyrex 18piece round set on amazon. I may bring some of my old tupperware up to the playroom for stacking, matching etc.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Study: Asthma More Common Among Children Who Received Acetaminophen As Infants

Yet another reason to lay off the tylenol & motrin!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Flu season approaching-- what will be your natural defense?

I would assume many of you that read this blog are not into getting the flu vaccine, but even if you are a believer in the flu vax maybe you could change your mind before you rush to Walgreens :)
No one in my family will get the flu vax and if we do happen to get the flu we will deal with it. It's not going to kill us, we are healthy beings and our body will fight it.
In the meantime, I have a natural approach to boost our immune systems during the flu/cold season. Along with exercising, eating healthy (avoiding lots of processed foods & loading up on fruits & vegs), getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water and washing hands we will also use this regimen on a daily basis.

-Vitamin D.. lots of sun exposure! Daily runs are great for VitD & exercise:) If we have lots of cloudy days will take Carlson Vit D drops.
-elderberry syrup- tsp daily & 2 tsp if we feel like we are getting sick
-vitamin C
-Omega 3 fats-- lots of fish or supplement
-zinc- taken if flu like symptoms are present
-echinachea / goldenseal taken if flu like symptoms are present or any other illness
-probiotic daily
-breastfeed your baby through flu season even if he/she is at the 1 year mark. Lucy will be 1 in October, so unless she self weans I will continue to nurse her a few times a day through flu season

We did this last year and none of use ever even got a cold. Coincidence? I don't know, but I will be following this again this year.

I hope everyone stays healthy this winter. Please research the flu vaccine A LOT before rushing to get it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

H1N1 vax- new reported side effect

I got this info from my natural forum online. Some European countries are now banning the H1N1 vax because of narcolepsy side effects.

Kinda scary.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dangers of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Please take a minute to read this article. The dangers of SLS are really scary and yet it is still legal to use these drugs in everyday beauty/ cleansing products. Check your shampoos, moisturizers, kids products, it's in everything!!!! I have found some great, inexpensive products to replace the dangerous ones in our home.
If you want a list of the product brands I switched to , just post a comment and I will blog an entry with all of their names. There is another great website that you can use to plug in your cosmetics and see how dangerous they are for you and your family. I did this with mine and found that many ranked on a 6 or 7!
There is so much more I could do for the health and safety of my family but this is just one more little step;)

Coconut Oil saves the vacay :)

We've had many uses for coconut oil during our vacation.

1. Lauren got stung by a bee and had a horrible welt for days. Coconut oil soothed it and helped the itch a lot.

2. Lucy has a suspected ear infection (or ear irritation from teething). I didn't have my Wally's Ear Oil so used some coconut oil instead. Withing a day, the ear tugging stopped.

3. I've converted 1 sister to coconut oil on her body & face :)

I love coconut oil!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Best Nipple Ointment for Nursing-- APNO

When Lucy was 2 weeks old, I got mastitis, horrible nipple "trauma" (lol), and I'm pretty sure I had thrush also. I got some suggestions for Dr. Jack Newman's All Purpose Nipple Ointment (APNO). My lactation consultant agreed it was the best thing and would help my nipple pain immensely. My MW put a call into a compound pharmacy and I finally had some relief. A friend of mine just had a baby and she is dealing with the same issues :( I suggested the APNO, but she has yet to get it because it's a bit of hassle having to get a prescription & then go to a compound pharmacy. I then remembered a friend who gave me the OTC ingredients so that you can make it yourself. Hopefully the new Mommy will have some relief soon!

Here are Jack Newman's ingredients (compound pharmacy necessary)
-Mupirocin 2% ointment (15 grams)
-Betamethasone 0.1% ointment (15 grams)
-To which is added miconazole powder so that the final concentration is 2% miconazole. This combination gives a total volume of just more than 30 grams. Clotrimazole powder (not as good as miconazole) to a final concentration of 2% may be substituted if miconazole powder is unavailable, but both exist (the pharmacist may have to order it in, but compounding pharmacies almost always have it on hand). Using powder gives a better concentration of antifungal agent (miconazole or clotrimazole) and the concentrations of the mupirocin and betamethasone remain higher. Sometimes we will add ibuprofen powder to a final concentration of 2%.

Here are the OTC ingredients and supposedly it works just as well :)
Mix equal portion and store in an airtight container

1% hydrocortizone cream
Clomitrazole cream (such as the brand name Gynelotramin)
Lanolin (lansinoh is good b/c it is sterile)
Neosporin (you can use with or without the pain killer)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Kiddie Meatloaf

I have really been experimenting with my kiddie meatloaf to try and get it the right consistency. The first time I made it it was extremely mushy (not enough breadcrumbs). The girls still downed it, but it bothered me that it really didn't have a meatloaf consistency. I made my 2nd batch a few weeks ago and it turned out YUMMY. I liked it so much I even ate what the girls didn't finish. I love making it and freezing it in small portions just to take out in a pinch. Here's my recipe:

-1lb grassfed no antibiotic/hormone ground beef - I use HEB brand
-2cups of steamed pureed frozen organic veggies-- any you have! i used peas & broccoli--- steam & then puree
-1+ cups of bread crumbs.. I eyeballed it to get it to the consistency I wanted it
-1 egg
-garlic & onion powder & italian seasoning for flavor
-4tbsp of ketchup

Mix everything together (with hands:)) and transfer to a loaf pan. Bake at 375 for 1-1:15 hours or until it reaches 170degrees.

I think next time I will add very finely chopped spinach to add even more veggies. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Breast Milk

I know that we have posted about this before but I have so much to say about breastfeeding. I can't tell you how thankful I am every single day that I am able and choose to nurse my babies. The benefits are through the roof in terms of their health! I think my favorite thing about it though is the comfort that I can provide to them. My youngest had a minor health scare and was taken to the hospital for some pretty invasive testing. He was so upset but I knew that as soon as I could get him on the breast he would be soothed, happy and content. I was so grateful that I was able to do that for him.
I also just had someone ask me if they could "borrow" some of my breast milk for their pink eye. Did you know that if you squirt some into the eye it heals pink eye? Amazing, huh?! There are literally 1000's of thing that you can do with breast milk...I am not sure how long I plan to nurse the baby but I see no end in sight at this point:)

Monday, July 19, 2010


I cannot say enough good things about elderberry syrup for boosting the immune system. I learned about it during flu season and Lila & I took it daily to help our immune systems. Since then, if I've ever suspected any of us were getting sick I up the dosage (2-3tbsp) for a few days and it WORKS! A few weeks ago, Lila had a runny nose (clear, but still runny) so I gave her some elderberry for a few days and she never got sick. My Mom was visiting and was sneezing & had a runny nose. She took elderberry 2x that day and the next day she was perfectly fine! This past Friday, I was feeling under the weather... throat/ear pain & just rundown. I took 3tbsp during the day on Friday and 1tbsp on Sat and by Sat afternoon I was feeling perfect... never got sick. I swear by this stuff! I can give it to Lucy now too (by syringe or spoon). Here are the brands that I buy:

For adults: Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry
For kids: Nature's Way Sambucus

I highly recommend Elderberry for a great immune system & an immune system booster! You can google it and find tons of info on how great it is for the immune system!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Coconut Oil

Do you know all the benefits of coconut oil? Check out the link below for all of the benefits!

I've been using coconut oil on my skin as my "moisturizer" for months now. I love the smell and the way my skin feels. Also I use it for : cooking, diaper rash, bites, and anything else I think it may help with!

Here's a great site on the benefits of coconut oil!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Panko crusted Chicken Fingers

I cannot claim this recipe... I found it on another blog, but I made them last night for the girls and they were yummy! They both liked them a lot. I actually only used 1 chix breast, about 1/4 cup of panko crumbs, & just whatever spices I felt like using. I also did not do nugget sized, I did chicken finger size.

4 boneless skinless chicken breast cut into nuggets sized cubes
1 cup Panko bread crumbs
2 Tbs. Sesame Seeds (optional but yummy)
Seasonings (salt, pepper, oregano, garlic powder, Lawry's seasoning salt... whatever you like)
2 eggs, beaten

Preheat over to 375.
Spray a baking pan with non-stick cooking spray.
Submerge each nugget in the beaten egg, then roll through the bread crumbs to fully coat. Place on baking dish.
When your baking pan is full, lighly spray the nuggets with your cooking spray... this will help them to get nice and crispy!
Bake for 30-45 minutes until both sides are brown and crispy! I flip them about half way through.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Jen's Meat Veggie Mac & Cheese

Whenever I cook I always remind myself that the possibilities are endless. I add anything I think "may" be yummy or healthy to the dish.

Today I threw together a "healthy" mac & cheese. I fed the girls the meal for dinner and froze the rest into 1 meal packets. Remember, the possibilities are endless so change everything as you want.

-1/2- 1 lb grass fed ground beef
-whole grain pasta cooked, I used ziti
-2 cups of veggie puree (I used frozen organic broccoli & mixed veggie mix- steamed in water & then pureed in blender)
-1 sweet potato-cooked & blended with the veggie puree
-1 cup cheddar cheese
-1 cup velveeta cheese (not the most healthy, but oh well :))
-1/4 cup parmesan cheese
-1/2 cup marinara sauce
-italian seasoning & garlic powder to season

Mix all ingredients and bake covered at 350 for 30mins.

Other options.... add peas, finely chopped spinach, or fresh herbs.

My girls LOVED it... I even loved it and at what they didn't finish.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cow vs Mother

This post is a spin-off of the post about cow's milk a few days ago.

Come on Moms/Moms to be.... can you honestly tell me that it makes ANY sense to wean a child at 12 months and begin feeding him/her milk from a mammal that weighs approx 400-1600lbs, is fed primarily corn, given antibiotics & steroids to "thrive", and is mistreated in a slaughter house? If you can honestly tell me how this makes any sense I would love to hear about what you have to say.

When I was pregnant with my 1st, I could not wait to experience breastfeeding. The first 4 months were great, but as she became more aware, distracted, and I became pregnant our breastfeeding relationship came to an end at 6 mos. I could not wait until she turned a year so she could start drinking milk... yummy, it does a body good! 7 months later we eliminated milk because of night terrors.

When I was pregnant with my 2nd, I was determined to make breastfeeding work (at least to a year). It's been a completely different experience this time around. Lucy is a boobie girl. She starts jumping up and down when I enter the room, smiling and giggling and cannot wait to come and eat. Too cute and melts my heart.

In the past 2 years, I've realized a lot about what I want for my family and myself. I've researched and learned so much about what I can do to benefit my children and I believe that breastfeeding is pretty high up on the list. I will not wean Lucy at 1 year because that is what the AAP says is acceptable. I will wean her when she is ready or if I have a strong desire to wean her. I have no idea when this will be.

I know friends, family, and strangers will criticize and judge me for this decision of extended breastfeeding because for whatever reason it is not widely accepted in our country. Will I let that bother me or sway my decision? Absolutely not.
If anyone can tell me how it makes any sense to wean a child and start feeding him/her cow's milk I will listen, but until then please keep your comments / feelings to yourself.

Come on people.... this is the natural thing to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ETA- I hope this didn't come off as a rant post..that was not my intention. What really triggered it is my curiosity as to why and how nursing your child for an extended period of time has become so "strange & gross" in this country. I really am curious as to why that is.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I Second That

I totally cut milk from my oldest when his night terrors were out of control. I noticed that one night after he had ice cream it was the worst! He was about 2 then. Now he is 3 1/2 and he ok with dairy and no more night terrors but we really don't consume much.
When my baby was born about 6 months ago he was miserable! He would cry non stop, the nights were the worst and he seemed to constantly be uncomfortable. This was so new to me, my other kids weren't like this. So I took him to the pediatrician and she said it was reflux. She, of course, gave me a medicine for him. I didn't notice much difference and I couldn't stand my one month old being on meds. I exclusively breastfeed and someone told me about eliminating all dairy, caseins and whey from my diet. So I did it and within a week, my baby was "cured." He started smiling and sleeping and seemed so much more relaxed. I figured that the whole family should pretty much go dairy free so we did. Now, five months later, I am easing my way back just so the baby has some exposure to dairy. He seems to be fine with it.
My husband and I are going to remain pretty much dairy free. The kids occasionally have cheese and they do eat a lot of yogurt. They don't drink cows milk, we don't even buy it. They love almond milk (you can get it flavored vanilla) and coconut milk. I miss food like pizza and grilled cheese but I don't think I will go back:)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Milk, it does a body "good"

We've all heard the campaign "Milk, it does a body good" and I have to say I've probably always believed that, but now I'm not so sure.

About 2 months ago, Lila was having night terrors at least 2x a week. It involved about 3 hours of her waking & crying, us rocking and cuddling, sleeping with her etc. It was getting ridiculous. Chris and I would go to bed wondering if tonight was going to be another sleepless night. My best friend told me her son had night terrors also around Lila's age and suggested I try giving up cow's milk and eliminating other dairy products after 2pm. I was willing to try anything. So I switched Lila to almond milk (same calcium & vit D as cow's milk) and eliminated all cheese & yogurt after 2pm.

She has not had a night terror in 2 months!!!!!!!! Can you believe that? I absolutely HAVE to believe that it really was the cow's milk that was causing these horrible sleepless nights. Ironically, about 3 weeks ago we were eating sausage and pepper sandwiches for dinner. Lila begged for a piece of provolone so I gave it to her. That night she had a night terror. Unbelievable.

Honestly, I have to say that Lila has been in a much happier mood in general since giving up the milk. It's really unbelievable.

For us, this was the only problem I found with cow's milk, but I know others that give up cow's milk find they have less congestion, less ear infections, skin rashes disappear, and in general just feel better! We all like the almond milk (I actually like it better) so I think we will just stick with it.

Here is a quote from an article I read online. Kind of grosses me out and definitely turns me off of milk. defines cow’s milk as, "An unhealthy fluid from diseased animals that contain a wide range of dangerous and disease-causing substances that have a cumulative negative effect on all who consume it." All cow’s milk contains fifty-nine active hormones, scores of allergens, fat, cholesterol, and measurable quantities of pesticides, herbicides, blood, pus, bacteria, and viruses. You also have to consider that the milk you drink contains trace amounts of whatever the cow had eaten previously. Your milk also may have been from a diseased cow, which you could easily get sick from. Diseases such as diabetes, influenza, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, heart disease, and cerebro-vascular condition have all been linked to the consumption of cow’s milk.

All I can say is do your research and if you find that you or your child has allergies, congestion, upset stomach, etc consider giving up dairy and see how it improves. You may find a world of difference!

This discussion will lead me to my next post... check back in a few days!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Spinach Pesto Turkey Burgers

Last night I made turkey burgers and they were really good! At least I like them... Chris doused his with Frank's Red Hot Wing sauce. LOL. Lila & Lucy had the leftovers tonight and they both really liked them.
I'm not good with amounts because I just eyeball everything. sorry

-a little less than a lb of ground turkey
-a BIG handful of fresh organic spinach chopped up very very fine
-1/2 a medium onion chopped
-1/4 cup bread crumbs
-a heaping tbsp of pesto (store bought)
-salt & pepper
-2-3 cloves fresh garlic minced

Combine all ingredients. Form into burgers and cook on the frying pan with a light dusting of olive oil. Cook for about 7 mins on each side I guess? I didn't time it so I'm not positive on the time.
Serve on a whole grain bun and top with parmesan cheese, fresh basil, and romaine lettuce.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby Led Weaning (BLW)

A few months ago, I found some Mom forums online talking about BLW. I was intrigued, so basically I started stalking their posts & reading all about BLW. I knew I had plenty of time to research since Lucy wouldn't start solids until at least 6months. After reading & researching I decided to give BLW a try this time around. Lila gave up purees at approx 8 mos so I figured it was worth a try. I started Lucy a little before 7mos with BLW and now at 7.5mos she still is not really "eating" much, but loves to play and taste the food. REMEMBER.. the baby does not NEED food for nutrition. All they need is breastmilk, so BLW is all about exploration, tasting, learning to swallow, etc. Lucy's been doing well! She's had just about everything we eat at this point... fruit, veggies, meat, bread, rice, cous cous, yogurt, applesauce etc. It IS MESSY! Luckily we have a dog :) I usually put her under the faucet after meals because she does get messy! I have to admit, I was nervous about choking at first, but after learning about it and talking with Moms online it eased my fears. I NEVER took my eye off of her for the first week, which was good because I saw the way she was learning to swallow. I had to remind myself... Red face, lots of weird noises, coughing, watery eyes = GOOD.

It all made a lot of sense to me and seemed as though it was the "natural" way to feed a baby. Here are some thoughts about BLW that really intrigued me!

-gives the baby control of the food
-creates more independence & confidence in the baby
-you are not force feeding a baby with a spoon
-let the baby choose when to start eating (at least 6mos)
-let the baby learn on their own & eat at their own pace
-much easier... you can give the baby EVERYTHING so baby can eat your meals

Here are some DO's & DON'Ts of BLW
*DO offer your baby the chance to participate whenever anyone else in the family is eating. You can begin to do this as soon as he shows an interest in watching you, although he is unlikely to be ready to put food in his mouth until he is about six months.

*DO ensure that your baby is supported in an upright position while he is experimenting with food. In the early days you can sit him on your lap, facing the table. Once he is beginning to show skill at picking food up he will almost certainly be mature enough to sit, with minimal support, in a high chair.

*DO start by offering foods that are baby-fist-sized, preferably chip-shaped (i.e., with a 'handle'). As far as possible, and provided they are suitable, offer him the same foods that you are eating, so that he feels part of what is going on.

*DO offer a variety of foods. There is no need to limit your baby's experience with food any more than you do with toys.

*DON'T hurry your baby. Allow him to direct the pace of what he is doing. In particular, don't be tempted to 'help' him by putting things in his mouth for him.

*DON'T expect your baby to eat any food on the first few occasions. Once he has discovered that these new toys taste nice, he will begin to chew and, later, to swallow.

*DON'T expect a young baby to eat all of each piece of food at first – remember that he won't yet have developed the ability to get at food which is inside his fist.

*DO try rejected foods again later – babies often change their minds and later accept foods they originally turned down.

*DON'T leave your baby on his own with food.

*DON'T offer foods which present an obvious danger, such as peanuts.

*DON'T offer 'fast' foods, ready meals or foods that have added salt or sugar.

*DO offer water from a cup but don't worry if your baby shows no interest in it. A breastfed baby, in particular, is likely to continue for some time to get all the drinks he needs from the breast.

*DO be prepared for the mess! A clean plastic sheet on the floor under the high chair will protect your carpet and make clearing up easier. It will also enable you to give back foods that have been dropped, so that less is wasted. (You will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your baby learns to eat with very little mess!)

*DO continue to allow your baby to breastfeed whenever he wants, for as long as he wants. Expect his breastfeedingfeeding pattern to change as he starts to eat more solid foods.

*If you have a family history of food intolerance, allergy or digestive problems, DO discuss this method of weaning with your health advisers before embarking on it.
Finally, DO enjoy watching your baby learn about food – and develop his skills with his hands and mouth in the process!

Here are some pics of Lucy having her meals :) As you can see........ it is MESSY! I usually feed her in just her diaper.

Here are a few sites on Baby Led Weaning where you can read more about it.
There are lots of videos on - just search for 'baby led weaning'.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Green Smoothies

I feel like we are good in the fruit department, my kids inhale just about every fruit there is in record time. Veggies are a different story. A couple of years ago I read an article about green smoothies. My husband and I jumped right into making them for breakfast after reading the many benefits they provide. Now, two years later, all of us drink them everyday. They taste amazing and provide all of our veggie needs first thing in the morning, not too mention they are an amazing source of energy!
Here is what we put into them:
frozen berries from trader joes
one banana
frozen mango or papaya
almond milk
flax seed
fruit juice (whatever we have but trader joes makes an awesome banana orange juice)
whatever other fresh fruit we have
spinach (lots of it) or kale
I know some people add yogurt but since we are pretty much dairy free we use the almond milk. My kids INHALE these and I feel so much better about them getting their iron and vitamins this way:) Try one, you will be surprised!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Wally's Ear Oil

The most common use of antibiotics in babies/toddlers is for ear infections and from my research many studies have found that children who take antibiotics for ear infections have more recurring EIs than those who let the infection clear up naturally. Unfortunately, many of these children end up with tubes also :( In my experience, it's always hard to tell if a child has an EI... babies/toddlers pull at their ears when they are teething, tired, or have an actual ear issue. Lila never has a fever, but at times does tug on her ears so I've suspected she had an EI. At her 6mo appt, Lila's old pediatrician said it looked like she was just getting over an EI and she prescribed an antibiotic to her. I got home and thought "WTF? Why would I give her an antibiotic when she has just gotten OVER the EI? Her body fought it!" Pissed me off that the pedi would do that... so we never went back. Anyway, I started googling and talking with some Mom's online about natural remedies for ear issues. One Mom suggested Wally's Ear Oil. I bought it and have LOVED it ever since. If Lila is tugging or rubbing her ears I will use the oil for 2-3 days and then she is absolutely fine. Every time we go to the pedi she says her ears look great. It also works for swimmer's ear, which we are now facing with so much swimming. I buy it at there is a link on the side of the blog.

Here's a review for Wally's Ear Oil
Wally's Ear Oil Review

You can find more reviews if you just google Wally's Ear Oil reviews.

This is a great website with wonderful info about chronic EIs, remedies, and diet changes that can help tremendously. Cow's milk is often a huge culprit of EIs.

Here's to healthy ears!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Calendula Lotion

All of my kids have had cradle cap and it really grosses me out. So does the oil that you are supposed to put on it. I found Calendula lotion made by California Baby. It has been amazing! My son's cradle cap is almost gone after only two uses. It's all natural and it can be used all over the body for dry skin and even eczema! Wow!

Salmon Cakes

I saw this recipe in Parenting magazine a few months back and Chris made them for Lila. She liked them a lot. Today we made them for lunch with sweet potato fries (baked) and caesar salad. They are really delicious!
Salmon Cakes

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chicken Nuggets

Obviously they are a household favorite. But I saw Jamie Oliver's show and he did a demonstration on what is really inside nuggets. I was horrified, to say the least. Did anyone else see it?
Anyway I found some chicken nuggets that claim to be all natural, white meat only. Does this mean they are ok? I am going to do some more research and then update this post!

Throwing away the goldfish...

I wish! LMAO! Lila loves goldfish, as do all toddlers (& Moms for that!), but I TRY to give her healthy snacks whenever possible and keep the goldfish, graham crackers, & other not so healthy snacks to a minimum. Like any crazy household with kids, it takes time to break out the cutting board and cut an apple, so goldfish come in handy as we all know. When I do have time and there isn't a baby crying or a toddler clinging to my leg I do try and give Lila (& myself) healthy snacks. Here is a list of some ideas... please comment and add some others!

-raisins (all time fav)
-fruit--- fresh or frozen. I buy any organic frozen fruit and Lila loves them. Great for teething too!
-any veggies - Lila's favs- cucumbers, tomatoes, avocado, or broccoli
-green smoothies (Thanks to my blog partner!)- spinach, a little OJ, a banana= YUM!
-peanut butter toast
-hard boiled egg

Other suggestions welcome!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Me as a Mom

I have three kids all about 18 months apart and I have done different things for each child. I feel like I am learning more each day about healthy living and I strive to do what I can to keep my family healthy. I have had two drug free child births, I breastfeed, babywear, cosleep (in the beginning) but I also weaned my oldest too early, have done cry it out and utilize the swing and bouncy when necessary! I am learning as I go!!!
My oldest child is greatly affected by what he eats so that is really what started my "research" into healthier living. I am learning everyday about new things and trying to improve my family's lifestyle.
So far we avoid hydrogenated oils, use natural household cleaners, avoid plastic containers, eat organic when we can, order meat from a grass fed farm, avoid medicine, seek homeopathic remedies, limit dairy, high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors.
I am a stickler with our schedule for naps and bedtimes and I love organizing and creating systems in our home.
So I guess in a nutshell, I love being a mom, I love learning about keeping our kids healthy and I love talking about it, too:)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Who I am as a Mother?

I have 2 daughters 13.5 mos apart and very quite possibly have a 3rd one day : )
I'm a natural birthing, breastfeeding, cosleeping (1st 6 months), babywearing, CIO in moderation, babyledweaning, organic food, natural products, no harsh chemicals, little to no medicine, homeopathic remedies, and selective & delayed vaxing Mom!

But most importantly, I love my 2 sweet girls and my husband Chris more than anything in this world. I love to cuddle, hug, kiss, teach, care for, and be there for my girls every single day. Being a SAHM is my job. The house may be messy (way too often) and things are disorganized (all the time), but one thing I do take serious is loving my girls and guiding them to become wonderful people.

I love researching and making sure we are living a healthy life. I have many online "friends" that I've learned a great deal from and I've learned so much from Jill. Chris may give a quick "eye roll" at all my crazy ideas of an organic & natural lifestyle, but I'm very passionate about it.. especially for our girls. Why? I don't really know why..... Do I believe that pesticides, chemicals, vaccines, medicines, bad diets/foods, etc will make us sick, die of cancer, cause ADHD or autism etc etc? No, not necessarily, but that doesn't make me think that any of these things could possibly be GOOD for my sweet darlings. I just want to keep them pure and clean :). I guess that's why I research and do all of the things I do as a Mother. To be honest, I do not trust our government and our medical system in the US and don't believe that choices and suggestions they make are always "best" for us.

I am no perfect angel when it comes to being pure and As many of you know, I enjoy wine often and have occasional cigarettes at girls nights. Shame on me I know, but I guess we all have our vices. This is me and I'm not going to hide anything :) That's what blogging is all about!

Welcome and enjoy!!!!!