Monday, February 13, 2012

A must see website-

My best friend sent me this link and it shows the c-section rates by state and by hospital.

I was seriously appalled by the c-sections rates in most states. In my hometown in NJ, the rate is 45% at the local hospital. In LosAngeles, the rate is almost 75 %!!!!!! Here in Houston, a little over 30% at the "big" hospital.

I would love to go on and on about this on Facebook, but I know most people will think I'm nuts! A lot of women just don't care about birth and don't find it necessary to do any research at all. The majority of women I talk to don't even know what problems and risks there are with interventions such as epidurals, unnecessary inductions, fetal monitoring, episiotomy, forceps, IVs, being restricted to bed, and other pain interventions. Many women have full trust in their doctors and go in blindly not knowing the risks. In my opinion, this is just careless and stupid to be honest. Do your research and do it well..... There is no turning back in labor and the decisions you make will have an affect on the baby and mother.

A great documentary to watch is The Business of being Born. Simply googling and researching the natural birth, interventions and the "best intentions" of doctors.
Some great books are:
The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth
Birth as an American Rite of Passage
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth

Bottom line is.... be informed and know that you have CHOICES and YOU are control of your body..... not some doctor who just wants to get home and eat dinner with his family. And if at all possibly have a midwife or a doula. Even better, go for a birth center or homebirth :) Remember, our bodies were meant to birth babies.... it's amazing what our bodies can do. Trust yourself and trust your body. Having a natural childbirth is an amazing experience and I highly suggest it to all :) Though most don't listen.