Friday, September 24, 2010

Plastic to Glass

My fellow blogger did the switch from plastic to glass a while back and I've been wanting to do it also. My tupperware is crappy, mismatched, and old. I reheat a lot of leftovers for the girls and can't reheat in plastic tupperware, so I'm always dirtying an extra plate. So besides the danger of plastic, I think switching to glass will be much easier for us. I'm buying the pyrex 18piece round set on amazon. I may bring some of my old tupperware up to the playroom for stacking, matching etc.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Study: Asthma More Common Among Children Who Received Acetaminophen As Infants

Yet another reason to lay off the tylenol & motrin!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Flu season approaching-- what will be your natural defense?

I would assume many of you that read this blog are not into getting the flu vaccine, but even if you are a believer in the flu vax maybe you could change your mind before you rush to Walgreens :)
No one in my family will get the flu vax and if we do happen to get the flu we will deal with it. It's not going to kill us, we are healthy beings and our body will fight it.
In the meantime, I have a natural approach to boost our immune systems during the flu/cold season. Along with exercising, eating healthy (avoiding lots of processed foods & loading up on fruits & vegs), getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water and washing hands we will also use this regimen on a daily basis.

-Vitamin D.. lots of sun exposure! Daily runs are great for VitD & exercise:) If we have lots of cloudy days will take Carlson Vit D drops.
-elderberry syrup- tsp daily & 2 tsp if we feel like we are getting sick
-vitamin C
-Omega 3 fats-- lots of fish or supplement
-zinc- taken if flu like symptoms are present
-echinachea / goldenseal taken if flu like symptoms are present or any other illness
-probiotic daily
-breastfeed your baby through flu season even if he/she is at the 1 year mark. Lucy will be 1 in October, so unless she self weans I will continue to nurse her a few times a day through flu season

We did this last year and none of use ever even got a cold. Coincidence? I don't know, but I will be following this again this year.

I hope everyone stays healthy this winter. Please research the flu vaccine A LOT before rushing to get it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

H1N1 vax- new reported side effect

I got this info from my natural forum online. Some European countries are now banning the H1N1 vax because of narcolepsy side effects.

Kinda scary.